Interested in learning more about our training and development courses? Download our Training Brochure or contact us today!
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A big THANK YOU to all our loyal clients over the years.

Dantherm Group


Pilz Automation Ltd.


Cogent Breeding Ltd.

CSD Ltd.

Cubex Contracts

ascend Learning

Blue Skies

Harting Ltd.

Cynthia Spencer Hospice

Church and Co Footwear

Scott Bader

Northamptonshire Chamber

Professional Qualifications
We now have two amazing online qualifications for trainers and coaches who want to have a professional qualification.
The Certificate in Training and Development online programme will enable you to become a fully qualified professional trainer and entitle you to use the letters MITOL (Member of the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning) after your name.
The Certificate in Coaching will provide you with all the training and practice you need to become a fully qualified coach.
Want to know more? Click on the ITOL logo:
Professional Training and Development
Your training and development is designed and provided by professional trainers who ensure that each programme contains measurable objectives and involves active learning. We use the most proven and reliable methods of learning.
People learn better when the training and development they experience is professionally designed and delivered based on current learning psychology. This means that learners need to be actively involved in the learning and can embed their new skills, knowledge and attitudes prior to returning to the workplace.
Good quality learning will also provide learners with follow-up support from their trainer to help them deal with specific queries and questions arising from the implementation of what they have learned.
Qualified Trainers
Training and development should always be provided by fully qualified trainers with appropriate qualifications as trainers, facilitators and/or coaches. Our trainers are all qualified and will only train in subjects in which they have personal experience.
Training and Development Options
Many of the titles are available in a number of different formats:
Tailored in-house courses
Training and development designed and delivered to your tailored requirements.
Open courses
The more popular courses provided on a regular basis as open courses at our Milton Keynes venue.
Ready Made Training Courses
Complete courses which include DVD based professionally filmed scenarios, trainers notes, handouts and all activities for you to run yourselves.
Online Courses
Training and development provided as highly interactive online packages.
Train the Trainer Qualifications
A range of train the trainer qualifications produced in partnership with the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning.
Contact us
Contact us to talk through your specific training and development needs. Call us on 01933 227 695 or complete the form on the Contact Us page.