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Behavioural Interviewing Training

How Does Behavioural Interviewing Training Work?

behavioural interviewing training

Behavioural interviewing is a method used to interview candidates for a job. This method ensures the interviewer stays in control of the interview.

You will ask candidates specific questions about things they have done in the past and what their behaviour was.

This will be a reasonable predictor of their behaviour in the future, given a similar situation.

ten key behaviours for behavioural interviewers ebook

For more information on this process, please click on this link: What is Behavioural Interviewing?

The Course Structure

A good Behavioural Interviewing Training course will consist of two parts:

Phase 1 of the programme will provide the course attendees with the skills of analysing the job requirements. Attendees will analyse the type of person required and design and practise the behavioural questioning techniques.

Phase 2 consists of practise interviews, with each course attendee carrying out two real play interviews. During the course, we will film each interview and play them back so that we can give in-depth feedback.

behavioural interviewing training and techniques

A good behavioural interviewing training course will involve attendees carrying out two ‘real play’ interviews each. Our experience has shown that a lot of learning occurs during the first video feedback session. That means a large jump in performance is obtained if individuals have another go.

Real versus Role Play

Role play just doesn’t work when giving course attendees some skill practise time. You can only practise behavioural interviewing by using real questions which will be answered by real people talking about actual experiences.

So we use a practise method which we call “real play”. Nothing is role played by anyone and so attendees get what effectively is a “live” experience using this skill whilst they are still on the course.

Contact us now to discuss how we can tailor this training to fit with your existing recruitment and selection processes and documentation.

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A Typical Course

This will give you an idea of the in-house course content. We will tailor this to your requirements.

a typical behavioural interviewing training course

Behavioural Interviewing

What behavioural Interviewing is and how the questioning process works.

what is behavioural interviewing training

Accredited Training

We can accredit any of the training we provide for you.

You will be able to show that we have trained your people to an agreed standard.

You will receive a course certificate produced by the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning.

accredited training courses

Behavioural Interviewing Accreditation Case Study

An example of how we created accredited training for Gloucestershire Constabulary.

behavioural interviewing accreditation

Assessor Skills

A very effective way of identifying the right people for the job is to design and run an Assessment Centre.

Learn the skills you need to create and run effective assessment processes with this in-company tailored programme.

assessor skills

For more information about our tailored training
courses call 01933 227 695 or click here to contact us.