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There’s a Steakhouse in Downtown Dallas where you can get a really good steak. This in itself is not suprising. The USA is renowned for creating good steak dinners and Texas has to be up there amongst the best of them. So why mention one good steakhouse out of so many? Well, apart from the […]

This is my final piece (for now) on Management By Walking Around –  MBWA and in this article I’m sharing three more techniques of MBWA with you. A reminder of the background to the theory: Management consultants Tom Peters and Robert H Waterman used the term Management By Walking Around (MBWA) in their 1982 book […]

I wrote recently about a Northamptonshire based client of mine whose management style is that of  Management By Walking Around –  MBWA. This is part two of the blog and I’m sharing four more techniques of MBWA with you. A reminder of the background to the theory: Management consultants Tom Peters and Robert H Waterman […]

Whenever I visit Germany I am always struck by how clean and tidy everything looks. On the journey from Luxembourg Airport even the trees look like they have tidied themselves up just for my visit. The roadside verges are also clean and tidy with no shredded plastic sheeting hanging from the bushes. Is this a […]

I meet lots of new people in my line of work and at social events they have a tendency to ask me what I do for a living. Now this question is a lot more challenging for me than they might think. Most people who have “proper jobs” are given a handy job title which […]

Management By Walking Around (MBWA) I have recently been reminded of the effectiveness of this style of management, once when I was a customer in a restaurant watching the manager doing his MBWA and again this week when reviewing the management style and practice of a particularly impressive coaching client of mine. The background to […]

When a pilot decides to fly somewhere they don’t just jump into the aircraft, take off and go for it. There is an enormous amount of planning and preparation which takes place beforehand. A flight plan needs to be prepared, the weather forecast studied, the aircraft readied and so much more. Even when the pilot […]

They say that the Americans are famous for their good customer service and travelling through Florida certainly backs this up. Everyone starts with a smile, makes eye contact, uses a cheery upbeat voice and stays with the “positive”. But is this really all that good customer service is? Well, we still need the right goods […]

This is Tiger. He is our office cat. He provides calmness and tranquility and a sense of reality to our everyday work. So I guess that Tiger is one of our leaders as he is a role model and helps us challenge our own perceptions and to put things in perspective. I admire Tiger’s simplistic […]

Our new elearning portal is now up and running. Powered by Digitec KnowledgeDirect in Florida, It offers clients the option of individually branded elearning pages which will contain our standard elearning courses. The client can self-manage student activity, and reporting. Alternatively you can purchase licences to suit your needs within The Development Company portal. Please […]