What Training does a Trainer need?

Training for trainers is essential to enable your trainers to get the best from their learners. They must be able to train them not just in new skills but help them to develop the right attitudes to support the organisational culture and values.
A qualification underwritten by the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning (ITOL) is essential. ITOL is a lead Institute in the UK and across the World for high quality training for trainers.
As the main partner of ITOL in the UK we design and deliver qualifications which are tailored to your specific training job roles.
Training for Trainers – Foundation Certificate in Staff Development
This is a full foundation qualification programme and will provide your trainers with the knowledge and skills required to design and deliver training sessions and short courses in the workplace.
The course is very interactive. Trainers will be able to practise their session design and delivery skills in a safe environment.
This training for trainers qualification will enable those employed in training, assessment or vocational education to gain entry into the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning as an Associate Member.
This qualification will prepare trainers so that they can progress onto further professional programmes. For example the Certificate in Training and Development and the Certificate in Psychology for Learning Professionals.
A maximum of 6 attendees can be accommodated with one facilitator on this programme.
This qualification will be tailored to your specific needs and can be delivered as an in-house programme or as a virtual programme.
Key Learning Outcomes

By the end of this programme attendees will be able to:
- Identify the immediate learning needs of individuals
- Write learning aims and objectives in accordance with best practice
- Analyse tasks and design training activities to facilitate the learning of those tasks
- Instruct on a one to one or small group basis using appropriate demonstration and constructive feedback skills
- Facilitate a group training session which uses activities such as role play, simulation or group discussion
- Assess and evaluate immediate learning.
Success Criteria
In order to qualify for the award of a training for trainers Foundation Certificate in Staff Development the attendee must:
- Fully attend and complete the programme
- Maintain an appropriate form of workbook or learning log which has been assessed as satisfactory by the lead tutor
- Demonstrate their training skills during the programme to a satisfactory level against criteria specified by the lead tutor.
Course Duration: 2 days
Contact us for a quote for delivering this course in-company.
Course Content
(Each day runs from 09.00 to 17.00)
Content can be varied to meet your requirements.
Day 1

- Introductions and Course Admin
- Icebreaker
- Discussion about the Qualifications framework
- Course objectives and timetable
- How you will be assessed on this course
- Learning log – Provision of and instruction on how to use in this course
- Maslow – Four stages of learning
- Andragogy
- Factors to take into consideration when helping people to learn
- Dyslexia
- Use of the five senses
- Identification of Training Needs
- Identifying the needs of individuals
- GAP analysis
- Task Analysis
- Methods of analysing tasks
- Activity: To analyse a given task
- Writing Aims and Objectives
- Aims versus objectives
- The 3 parts of a behavioural objective
- Processes for evaluating your objective
- Training Delivery Skills
- Introduction, Instruction, Summary
- Instruction: Do a Bit; Check a Bit
- What to include in the summary
- Use of visual aids
- What visuals can you use in your session?
- Using a flipchart
- Dos and Don’ts of PowerPoint
- Electronic flipcharts
- Handouts

Day 2
- Running Group Activities
- Icebreakers and energisers
- Case study
- Role play
- Group discussion
- Brainstorm
- Small group work
- Feedback
- Feedback Rules
- Training Delivery Practise
Each attendee will prepare and deliver a short training session. This will be on a given subject or on a subject they have brought with them to the course. The session will be assessed against the certificate standards.