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PA Courses and Seminars

Your Options and Choices for PA Courses and Seminars

The following PA Course and Seminars are available as:

  • Tailored in-house courses or seminars
  • One to one training
  • As an open course at our training venue in Miton Keynes if you have 3 or more people who require this training on the same date.

Managing your Manager

Forming a strong working relationship with your boss can be the maker or breaker for getting your job done, establishing your career and keeping your sanity! This session isn’t about uprising and revolution, but about giving you the confidence and tips to help you work more effectively with your manager, understanding each others needs and pressures, and agreeing best ways of working together.
  • Understanding your Manager
  • How you manage your Manager
  • Making requests of your Manager
  • Dealing with requests from your Manager

Tough Love – Managing your Boss’s Interruptions

It may feel cruel however if we can’t manage to safeguard quality time for our Boss then we are failing to be an effective PA.

  • Why we need to be tough
  • Agreeing boundaries and priorities
  • Being firm but fair
  • The 3 R’s technique

.Maximise your Networking

Learn Top Networking Tips for Business and Personal Success, including:

  • How to open a conversation
  • What to say
  • The use of body language
  • Have a networking strategy

.How to be an excellent communicator

Great PAs have the ability to build effective relationships with people at every level to get things done.

  • Build even better relationships to further your influencing skills
  • Get more done through hooking into their communication style
  • Save time through increasing the impact of your communication
  • Develop an even better reputation
  • Take away top tips to put into effect immediately

.Committing to a work/life balance

Individuals that have a balanced life achieve more. Explore how you can focus on what your key goals in life are and how to commit to them.

  • Why work-life balance?
  • What is the culture I work in? Challenging to be acceptable.
  • What are my goals?
  • Committing to action.

.How to manage stress

Life in the UK is stressful and every individual needs to be their own stress consultant to ensure triggers are noticed and acted upon.

  • The 3 areas of managing stress
  • Putting changes into place – taking action
  • Positive mental imagery techniques – what we think happens
  • Acceptance techniques – easy to apply relaxation techniques

.60 Minutes

Minute taking is a powerful skill to have – attend this seminar and take away practical tips.

  • Preparing and planning for your meeting
  • Critical listening skills
  • Effective methods of note taking – capturing what’s important
  • Producing minutes which satisfy the readers’ needs

.Working effectively with others using the Transactional Analysis model of personality

  • The basics of Transactional Analysis (TA)
  • Personality profile examples (from audience)
  • What you can do – utilising your strengths
  • Using TA to adapt your communication style


Working assertively to maximise your potential

  • Identify different types of interpersonal behaviour
  • Identify and manage your own behaviour patterns
  • Manage the behaviour of others
  • Create a positive impact

.Managing time and workload

  • Prioritising – apply the techniques to achieve more
  • Use your diary to achieve goals
  • Manage the time of others
  • Understand your ‘drivers’ – internal pressures that affect your management of time

Open the PDF file to view an example of a modular programme we have recently delivered to 80 PA Staff in the Civil Service, South West region:
